My Brilliant Friend is an HBO-RAI Fiction series, produced by Lorenzo Mieli for The Apartment and by Mario Gianani for Wildside, in collaboration with RAI Fiction and HBO Entertainment, in co-production with Umedia. International distribution is entrusted to Fremantle and RAI Com.
The third chapter of the saga, entitled "The Story of Who Runs and Who Stays", focuses on the life of Lila and Lenù in the seventies. After taking different paths, being lost and found again, the lives and events of the two friends continue in time, telling the sunset of adolescence and the beginning of adulthood of the two companions in and outside the neighborhood where the two girls grew up.
Elena Greco, Lenù for her friends, played by Margherita Mazzucco, is a young avant-garde writer but at the same time a caring mother. Elegant, sophisticated, she lives in Florence in the 1970's.
On the set her youngest daughter is wearing the style LUCY by PèPè.